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"Community" Series - Artist Statement (2010)

"To perceive and to know a friend, therefore, is necessarily in a manner to perceive and in a manner to know oneself." -Aristotle

"We were born to unite with our fellow man, and to join in community with the human race."- Cicero

"Community" is a tribute to the relationships in my life and the story I am able to tell because of these individuals. The series is an ongoing work-in-progress, much like the ever-evolving relationships I portray. Each portrait is a concise and thoughtful narrative of my relationship with the subject, while the titles articulate the setting with a glimpse of detail and insight. When I plan each portrait, I think through characteristics, strengths, quirks, and what makes the person light up. I think about the impact they have had in my life and what I want to tell the world about them. I think about the journeys our relationships have been on, and the layers created by friendship. The results are stories of creativity, honor, love, service, humor, artistic expression, talent, faith, individuality, and character. Each of these people challenges me to be a better person, and as an artist, I celebrate the impact this process and the resulting body of work has had on me. I am who I am because of my community.

This Studio 107 exhibit debuts the first of many “Community” portraits to come. The release has been planned in conjunction with "Her Story," a collaborative concert I am a part of with Susan and our friends at Ardmore Contemporary Dance Company. These performances tell women’s stories through visual art, vocal music, dramatic recitation, and modern dance. This project is a celebration of our journeys together with our loved ones, and the stories we have to tell. My story is best told through an artistic portrayal of my community.

"There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without vulnerability; there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community." – M. Scott Peck

"Community" Exhibit in 2010 at the Studio 107 Gallery I co-owned with Susan Pfau Yeager.

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