"Saints" Series - Artist Statement (2011)The 'Saints' series began with a desire to create artistic religious portraiture that was engaging and held substance. Too often, I have...
"Community" Series - Artist Statement (2010)"To perceive and to know a friend, therefore, is necessarily in a manner to perceive and in a manner to know oneself." -Aristotle "We...
Smoke Series - Artist Statement (2011)“… Passersby See Only a Wisp of Smoke.” This series of drawings is an idea on the move. It is continually changing, much like the nature...
"A Meditation On/Through Colour" - Artist Statement (2009)"A Meditation On/Through Colour" Wassily Kandinsky said that “color is a means of exerting a direct influence upon the soul.” For me,...
"In My Room" - Artist Statement (2017)This series has experienced a slow evolution from the initial idea to explore shared aspects of the human condition within the framework...